Exhibitor and visitor figures for 2,420 exhibitions in Europe are contained in the brochure entitled “Euro Fair Statistics 2015” now published by UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. The brochure presents data provides by 14 organisations in 24 countries, including Germany’s FKM – Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics. With these statistics the countries involved aim to facilitate the planning of exhibitions and evaluation of exhibition success, in particular for companies operating Europe-wide.

In total, the exhibitions reported 677,000 exhibitors, 67.3 million visitors and 24.8 million square meters of stand space of the registered exhibitions. 35 percent were fairs for trade visitors, 31 percent events for consumers only and 34 percent were fairs for trade visitors and the general public. UFI estimates that the events in this report represent about 50 percent of the European exhibition market.

The events covered took place in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Moldavia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey and Ukraine.

In each case public accountants or other neutral organisations ensured the relevant rules were observed. The FKM – Society for Voluntary Control of Trade Fair and Exhibition Statistics is responsible for the auditing system and the body of rules in Germany and for auditing a number of exhibitions in Italy.

The brochure entitled “Euro Fair Statistics 2015” which is published only in English, can be downloaded at media centre or from the UFI website.

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