Press & Know-how

/Press & Know-how
4 09, 2020

German trade fairs start again in September

4 September 2020|Categories: General, Press & Know-how, Press releases|Tags: , , |

After a shutdown of almost six months due to the Corona pandemic, major exhibitions for trade visitors and the general public will be held again in Germany from September onwards, › more

31 08, 2020

Business benefits directly from trade fairs – especially in times of Covid-19 pandemic

31 August 2020|Categories: Press & Know-how, Press releases|Tags: , , , |

The German economy is currently experiencing considerable declines in sales due to the corona pandemic. Investments and private purchases are often postponed or even cancelled. At the same time, the › more

28 04, 2020

German Economy Needs Exhibitions for Restart

28 April 2020|Categories: Press & Know-how, Press releases|Tags: , , , |

The German trade fair industry approves of the agreement of federal government and states, that was made in order to revive public life and to show economy a perspective for › more

10 02, 2020

Three questions for Kai Hattendorf

10 February 2020|Categories: General, Press & Know-how|Tags: , , , , |

FKM: How important are certified exhibitor and visitor figures to UFI as the global association of the exhibition industry? Hattendorf: One of the success factors in our industry is the › more

16 10, 2019

Key figures for about 2,700 exhibitions in Europe

16 October 2019|Categories: General, Press & Know-how|Tags: , , , , , |

Exhibitor and visitor figures for 2,673 exhibitions in Europe are contained in the brochure entitled “Euro Fair Statistics 2018” now published by UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. › more

18 09, 2019

Exhibition revenues worldwide: Seven of top 15 companies are from Germany

18 September 2019|Categories: General, Press & Know-how|Tags: , , , , , |

Numerous German exhibition companies are among the worldwide leaders in the sector. Measured by revenue in 2018, seven of the world’s top 15 exhibition companies, or almost half, are based › more

4 09, 2019

German exhibitions post further positive results in 2019

4 September 2019|Categories: General, Press & Know-how|Tags: , , , , |

A cooling German economy and the rising threat of international trade conflicts had little effect on exhibitions in Germany in the first half of 2019. The number of exhibitors at › more

26 06, 2019

German exhibitions 2018: More exhibitors from all continents

26 June 2019|Categories: General, Press & Know-how|Tags: , , , , , |

Last year more exhibitors from all over the world came to exhibitions in Germany. All told, there were around 118,000 foreign exhibitors at the 178 international and national exhibitions, 4.4% › more

21 06, 2019

FKM certificate for 191 German exhibitions in 2018

21 June 2019|Categories: Press & Know-how, Press releases|Tags: , , , , |

If exhibitors are planning new participations or want to check their existing portfolio, they need reliable data on the quality of individual exhibitions. An important source of this information is › more

24 05, 2019

German exhibitions advance again in 2018

24 May 2019|Categories: General, Press & Know-how, Press releases|

The slower rate of economic growth in Germany and greater uncertainties regarding foreign trade had only a slight dampening effect on the German exhibition industry in 2018. Exhibitor and stand › more