Exhibitors planning their trade fair participations can find reliable and comparable data in the 2011 FKM Report, now published by the FKM – Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics. The information is also available online at www.fkm.de; data on numerous trade fairs from the first six months of 2012 can be found there as well. Last year a total of 62 organisers belonging to FKM had their trade fairs audited according to uniform regulations. In addition to providing basic data such as exhibitor, space and visitor figures at 201 German events, FKM has also published the results of visitor structure surveys carried out among trade visitors and the general public at 164 trade fairs. For the first time, the visitors’ regions of residence are presented according to Nielsen regions.

Speaking at the publication of the annual report, FKM Chairman Wolfgang Marzin said: “Certification of trade fairs by FKM sends out a message: this data enables exhibitors and visitors to plan ahead with confidence because the same high auditing standards apply to all certified trade fairs. In the case of most trade fairs detailed visitor breakdown statistics exist for selecting trade fairs according to specific target groups.

In addition to the German member companies, two guest members from abroad, the Verona Trade Fair Company and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council had a total of 16 trade fairs audited.

The 2011 FKM report can be downloaded at Media Centre. Additional information on FKM is available at www.fkm.de.